The Aryans

This site was created with the aim of describing the Aryans, their history, culture, & languages in considerable detail which would suit both, the uninitiated and those with prior knowledge.

The Aryans आर्यसंस्कृती।

The Aryans were an ancient race of people, about whom not much is known. They were assumed to be nomads in their initial years, primarily based in the Indian Subcontinent, Middle East, Fertile Crescent, and according to some theories, the Caucasus. They were quite an advanced people, showing some of the first uses of various machines like the wheel, boat, underground canals, and more.

The race is characterised by light brown skin, dark eyes, dark hair, moderate height, and a skull shape typical to them. The mental characteristics are many, too. But very few people today would agree that the thought structure and outlook of the races are different from each other. So that topic is best avoided.

Today, the Aryans are mainly found in the nations of India, Pakistan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, and nations of Middle East. They are also found in Indonesia, Myanmar, and other South East Asian nations in a minority. Most don't call themselves as Aryans as the concept of race is no longer considered relevant. Throughout the world, people now only differentiate broadly on the basis of nationality or region. But the main races of the world : (Indo) Aryan, Caucasian, Nordic, African (Negroid), Mongoloid, among others are still differentiated. Yet, globalization has resulted in a mixture of the races. For instance, the Aryans and Mongoloids have mixed in Thailand.