ज्ञानस्रोताः। (Ancient Sanskrit Literature)

यूयं विकिपेडियायां मुख्य भाषा संस्कृत कर्तुं शक्नोसि।

एतदस्ति विकिपीडियायाः संस्कृतभाषायाः मुख्यपृष्ठम्।

तत्र केवल यद्लिख तद् त्वं ज्ञातुमिच्छसि।

The button above takes you to the संस्कृतभाषा Sanskrit language  home page of Wikipedia. 

One can even search for articles in संस्कृतभाषा Sanskrit on Wikipedia. Even though the number of articles is not satisfactory, it makes for good reading.

Ancient Literature

The most famed work in this language is the ऋगवेद by the Indo-Aryans.

Most of the literature of the Indo-Aryans , and that of the Vedic Civilization  is in this language.

The other works include the other Vedas वेद, the Upavedas उपवदे, the Upanishads उपनिषद, and the Aranyakas अरण्यक, which constitute the bulk of the Vedic culture.

Various plays and mythological epics have been composed in संस्कृतभाषा Sanskrit. Some of the most renowned ones are described below.

Great Works

The number of books in the संस्कृतभाषा Sanskrit language, available to the public  has increased considerably in recent years.

Some of the most renowned compositions in संस्कृतभाषा Sanskrit language are :

रामायणम्। (Ramayana)

One of the most well known epics of the world, it chronicles the story of Lord Rāma & his consort Sitā, and the war between Rāma and Rāwana, who had abducted Sitā & taken her to Lankādweepa. Rāwana lost and was slain, which resulted in Sitā's rescue, and the destruction of Lankā. It is said to be composed by the Sage Wālmiki. This epic is originally in the form of verses, but has been converted in narrative form numerous times.

महाभारत। (Māhābhārata)

Another legendary epic, this is second only to the Rāmāyana. Set in a later era as compared to the Rāmāyana, it is the story of the war five princes had to wage against their hundred cousins, to gain the throne, which rightfully belonged to them. This is one of the most interesting epics in the world, and quite effectively portrays human nature and tendencies; and also has quite a complex plot. This is a must read for all.

अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम्। (Abhidnyānashākûntalam)

A legendary epic by the famed कालीदास Kālidāsa. It is about the romance of Shakuntalā, daughter of Menakā, and king Dûshyanta, of the Ikshvākû dynasty. This may be a bit hard to comprehend since it is in advanced संस्कृतभाषा, but is interesting for the same reason.

मालविकाग्नीमित्रम्। (Mālawikāgnimitram)

A classic set in the महाजनपदाः Mahajanpadas of India. It is about Mālawikā (मालविका) the king Agnimitra (अग्निमित्र) and is comparatively easy to comprehend.

मृच्छकटिकम्। (Mrûchhakatikam)

Written around the same time as its predecessor, it is also of the same kind.

गाथा सप्तशती। (Gāthā Saptashati)

This one is infact a compilation of verses composed over a period of 700 years. It was compiled by the भारतीय (Indian) kingHalaand is written in संस्कृत (Sanskrit) as well प्राकृत (Prākrit) languages at the same time. The name of the book literally means '(The) Saga of Seven Centuries' and is a one-of-a-kind book.